Manuela Rohr
Be invulnerably happy

Learn the unshakeable routine of the Tiny Islands, which helps you to get back the life you really want!

Learn the
Tiny Islands

Show your destiny who
you really are

Become invulnerably happy and
master your life!

Finally show your destiny who
you really are

How many times have you given in?

How often have you not gone your own way?

How often have you put the wishes of others before your own?

You can change that!
Don’t let your inner call fade away.

The Tiny Islands accompany you on your journey to be invulnerably happy.

With mindfulness and new body awareness they help you step by step to become the heroine of your life.

Like many other of my clients, you too can walk the path.

Learn your personal „Uvulnerable-Happy“ routine

Don’t wait for it to work itself out, because it won’t.

Integrate the Tiny Islandsinto
your daily life

Learn how to master your „Invulnerable Happy“ routine step by step with clear instructions.

Experience moments of happinessmore and more often !

Meet your destiny and get closer and closer to your life vision.

Get your free guide and

start with 8 simple steps to your invulnerable happiness

Learn the Tiny Islands routine!

Show your destiny who you really are!

Become invulnerably happy and master your life!

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Hello, I'm Manuela Rohr, expert for invulnerable happiness and the inventor of the Tiny Islands

... and I know you wish for real inner happiness that nothing and nobody can take away from you and are exhausted by the constant ups and downs of your life.

That's why I care deeply about your inner happiness and the path that will get you there.

Successes for the 365 Tiny Islands path:

Over 100 female clients walk the Tiny Islandspath every day

All of them master their destiny heroically

I have already inspired and brought forward countless seekers

My Signature Program for you
Your Tiny Island - 8 Modules to Invulnerable Happiness

Do you want to embark on the journey to becoming the heroine of your life?

Would you like to have a treasure chest of Tiny Islands that are specifically designed to fit your individual life situation?

Would you like the Tiny Islands to become your places of power, to accompany you through the day and become a part of you, no matter what?

Do you wish to experience pure happiness that arises from the moment?

Do you want to experience what flow means?

Together with your individual Tiny Islands, based on the transformative practice of mindfulness and body awareness, you connect with your inner power to live the life you truly desire!

Module 1

The Foundation

Preparing for your journey

Your journey through life is like a balancing act. Without a foundation, you'll quickly fall off balance. Deepened mindfulness, body awareness and breath awareness are your tools to experience what it means to master your life like the elephant on the tightrope.

Module 2

Respect your body

It is your most important companion. Learn the concept of "Edge". It first shows you where your physical limits are and what it means to leave your comfort zone. With a deepened perception of your "Edge" you learn to understand what is too much and what is too little for you in all situations of life.

Module 3

The power of acceptance

What can I change, what can't I? Learn to accept things as they are without falling into an abyss. But be brave to look closely at when you should change something and thus leave your comfort zone!

Module 4

The clarity of choice

Overcome your hesitation. Embark on the journey, courageously step by step. Leave behind old patterns of behavior and approach life with courage. Choose what you truly desire. Balance through the ups and downs and be ready to follow your inner healer to your destination.

Module 5

Know your truth

Have the courage to say yes to yourself and your deepest inner desires. You have experienced them anew, brought them out of oblivion and will now recognize your personal truth as your guide.

Module 6

Recognize the decision

You are now in the test and perceive how to listen to your inner power. Learn to clearly discern, "What am I letting go of, what can stay, and what am I recreating?" Your clear discernment will help you on your path to the life you really want.

Module 7

Live your truth

Put it into action and embody it in everything you say, do and think. Your body has familiarized you with your limitations; it always speaks the truth. Now you can live this truth in all situations and master your destiny: as the heroine of your life

Module 8


Flow has to do with ease and happiness, even when things are hard. Yes, in flow you are invulnerably happy! Like the little elephant, the dancer of dreams, you will go your way with unshakable courage and self-evidence and master your balancing act despite all difficult circumstances.

Stay tuned! More programs are on the way

Go for it!

1. Contact me

Schedule a get-to-know-you call and get the details.

2. Master your destiny

Do not let your inner call fade away.

3. Become invulnerably happy

Feel the heroine in you!


I used to feel so crushed by my life, unable to take the next step. Now I feel like 80 kilos have fallen off my shoulders and I'm finally free.


Before was hell, after was paradise, and now I am heroically mastering my destiny!


I used to feel so crushed by my life, unable to take the next step. Now I feel like 80 kilos have fallen off my shoulders and I am finally free.


Take the first step now to recreate your unique life with the Tiny Islands and become invulnerably happy!

Learn the path to mindfulness and new body awareness with simple instructions.

Integrate the Tiny Islands step by step into your everyday life.

Feel how your inner power has grown and you are invulnerably happy.

As an expert on invulnerable happiness, I know you desire inner happiness that nothing and no one can take away from you. Because you're exhausted from all the ups and downs of your life.

  • There are so many Shiny Objects in the self-help world that magically attract you but don't deliver on their promise, or only for a short time. Again, you're frustrated and unhappy.
  • Life goes on, your personal challenges keep throwing you off track. Exhausted, you hang by a thread, hoping that your fate will finally change for the better.
  • But when will that be? Tomorrow? At the end of the year? Or when you finally have time to do the right thing for yourself?
  • You look in the mirror and wonder who's looking back? As you get older, and nothing changes.
  • The Tiny Islands help you learn an unshakable routine that helps you reclaim the life you really want.
  • Because it is possible, no matter what, for you to live a life full of joy and become invulnerably happy!

And this is how we proceed

1. Schedule your free get-to-know-you session with me and get all the details.

2. If you then decide to take your life into your own hands, let's get started!

3. Create your life according to your rules and let go of what holds you back.

4. Feel your success and experience how you blossom sustainably!

Schedule a free get-to-know-you session with me right now so you don't waste any more time hoping that happiness will come from outside.