✨ Wednesday Whisper 1/10/23

Jan 10, 2024

Guess what day it is? It’s MY BIRTHDAY! πŸ‘‘

Today, I'm not just celebrating 68 incredible years on this planet but also sharing the joy with YOU!

As we master the Dream Dancer balancing act through life, I've learned a simple truth: Expect joy and be positive. It's a commitment, a habit that transforms every single day into something extraordinary. And let me tell you, it brings immense joy, and my life soars because of it!


In celebration of my Birthday and The Wednesday Whisper turning eight, I’m thrilled to share a special gift with eight amazing readers - the exclusive Tiny Island Tour of Germany at an incredible 50% off! Instead of $444, you’ll only pay $222.

Please don’t delay -  this offer is valid until midnight on Jan 12. First come, first serve. Let's embark on this unforgettable journey together!

Read about it here:

Taping the videos for the tour of ancient places in my hometown, Speyer, Germany.


Do you yearn for daily rituals that keep you focused on your dreams? Look no further than the first Tiny Island of the tour:  "Finding Your Soul Word." Your Soul Word is your North Star, a compass to navigate your unique journey, adding immeasurable value to your daily life.

And here's the best part - you can choose how you want to experience it. You get to decide whether it's one Tiny Island every day or one for the week.

You get to keep the Tiny Islands forever, ensuring lasting positive transformations.

So, are you ready to commit to your happiness? Join me on this special birthday celebration, and let the journey begin!


Here is today’s Tiny Island - The Mindful Eight: A Shortcut to Self-Care

Love yourself more, not less, when challenged,

With Love, Manuela

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